Protected Area Managers
The management of protected areas is a matter of general interest that involves planning and implementing various activities and measures, primarily aimed at preserving natural values in the protected area, as well as preserving cultural and historical values and providing various benefits to people. For these reasons, managing a protected area involves intensive cooperation with different users and local communities in the given area.
Effective and sustainable management of a protected area requires various material and human capacities and a wide range of competencies to achieve the basic goals of protection. This includes knowledge and capacities for monitoring the status and implementing conservation measures for species and habitats, conducting educational and promotional activities, preserving the protected area and natural values, sustainable use of natural resources, collaboration and support to the local population and their sustainable activities, visitor management in protected areas, collaboration with the business sector, international cooperation, and many other knowledge and skills.
The complex scope of work for protected area managers also requires adequate funding. Protected areas are funded through the budget of the Republic of Serbia, the budget of the autonomous province, or the budget of local self-government, as well as through fees for the use of protected areas, self-generated revenues from activities, donations, projects, and other sources.
The challenges faced by managers are becoming increasingly pronounced every day, largely due to increased demands for the use of natural resources in various forms. In order for managers to cope with growing pressures on protected areas and fulfill their fundamental role in biodiversity conservation, they need systemic support in terms of planning and implementing appropriate public policies, building professional capacities, and establishing mechanisms for sustainable financing.
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