Sustainable financing of biodiversities


What is Biodiversity? 

Biodiversity plays a significant role in maintaining natural balance and regulating all natural processes and resources available to us. It provides numerous ecosystem services that are often not given enough importance, ranging from food production, the source of raw materials for medicine, purification and oxygen production, to organic matter decomposition and soil preservation.  

However, the increasing levels of air, water, and soil pollution disrupt this natural balance, primarily due to human negligence and negative impact, thereby endangering the foundations upon which humans depend. Therefore, significant financial resources are necessary to protect and sustain biological diversity in Serbia. 


How is biodiversity funded? 

 The financing of protected areas comes from the state, various taxes, voluntary donations, and fees for the exploitation of resources found in such areas. Data shows that, on average, around 25% of the total funding for the functioning of protected areas comes from state funds, while the remaining 75% of the necessary funds are provided by managers of protected areas through other sources - charging fees for the use of natural resources, conducting economic activities such as logging, tourism, etc. Therefore, in order to ensure the financial sustainability of managers, in addition to the standard sources available within public finance, it is necessary to establish new forms of financial support that have the potential for better efficiency and greater benefits for the area and its managers. It is crucial to avoid situations that are very common in Serbia - the majority of funds being generated through the exploitation of nature, while less harmful alternatives (such as eco-tourism) are neglected both in terms of legal regulations and idea development. 

What will we do to make biodiversity financing sustainable? 

Within the "Together for the Environment" project, we will work together with representatives from three sectors - government, private, and civil society - to develop and establish sustainable mechanisms for financing biodiversity.  

Our experts will work on analyzing and improving the regulatory and strategic framework that governs the financing system of protected areas. We will motivate the private sector to actively engage in biodiversity conservation through initiatives that aim to reconcile business interests and environmental preservation.  

The implementation of diverse promotional campaigns will contribute to the promotion of protected areas and fundraising within the wider community, promoting philanthropy for nature in Serbia.  

We will advocate for the improvement of the environmental financing system, with a focus on nature conservation, as well as enhancing inter-sectoral cooperation to support innovation and increase funding for nature conservation and biodiversity. 

 In order to develop local communities in line with the principles of nature conservation and sustainable development, we will launch a unique support program called "Hired by Nature," aimed at small businesses operating in or around protected areas. The support program will facilitate their transition to business models that are both financially viable and environmentally friendly. This will further contribute to greater involvement of youth and women by strengthening economic independence and preventing early migrations from rural and remote communities.